NAUI Leadership Training

If you are looking for one of the most challenging, rewarding experiences of your lifetime, NAUI Leadership training might be for you! The process of becoming a NAUI Leader will test you in ways you might not have ever imagined. The threshold to become a NAUI Leader is centered around the question of what makes NAUI different from all other training agencies. That question is, "Can I trust you to care for MY LOVED ONE in the water"
If you are ready, we are ready to help you achieve your goal of becoming a diving leader with one of the most trusted and respected scuba training agencies, NAUI!
NAUI Leadership Courses
NAUI Progression of Leadership Training (Leadership and Instructor Levels)
The leadership and instructor levels of certification are:
Skin Diving Instructor
Assistant Instructor
The Skin Diving Instructor certification (formerly Skin Diving Leader) has long been unique to NAUI. It qualifies individuals to train and certify skin divers and conduct snorkeling experience programs.
Both the Assistant Instructor and Divemaster ratings allow individuals to attend an Instructor Training Course (ITC) to be trained and qualified as NAUI Instructors. Completion of a NAUI Familiarization-Instruction-Testing (FIT) Program is required prior to enrollment in the NAUI Assistant Instructor course, NAUI Divemaster course, or NAUI Instructor Crossover Course (ICC).
Divemaster (DM)
Would you like to lead dives and dive trips and take certified divers on vacations to the world's best dive sites? Many Divemasters are employed full-time or work independently supervising certified divers during club, store, resort or charter tour and travel activities. As a NAUI Divemaster you enjoy again and again adventures to which you introduce your clients. NAUI Divemaster certification is another option leading to NAUI Instructor qualification.
The NAUI Divemaster rating is the highest NAUI leadership-level certification with the exception of Instructor. The program is designed to train experienced and knowledgeable divers to organize and conduct enjoyable open water dives for certified divers.
Qualifications of Graduates
An active-status NAUI Divemaster is qualified to organize and conduct dives for certified divers if the diving activities and locale approximate those in which the Divemaster is trained. Additional training, knowledge or experience is necessary for the Divemaster who desires to organize highly specialized activities, such as wreck penetration, cavern or ice dives or enter a new locale.
An active-status NAUI Divemaster is qualified to organize and conduct NAUI Recognition (such as International Diver) and Experience Programs (such as Stingray Experience) and award appropriate recognition materials to participants.
An active-status NAUI Divemaster is qualified to assist an active-status NAUI Instructor in diving courses.
An active-status NAUI Divemaster who completes a NAUI-DAN First Aid Instructor orientation, who has completed all required NAUI-DAN orientation modules and is using the NAUI-DAN training and support materials, may teach the NAUI-DAN First Aid programs.
If all other prerequisites are met, a current NAUI Divemaster is qualified to enter a NAUI Instructor Training Course (ITC).
Prerequisites for Entering the Course
Minimum age is 18 years by the water phase of the course.
Current registration as a NAUI FIT Program graduate.
Current certification in NAUI First Aid for Dive Professionals or equivalent.
Current certification in NAUI Oxygen Provider or equivalent.
A minimum of 60 logged open water scuba dives with a minimum of 30 hours bottom time. Dives shall be varied in environment, depth, and activities.
Medical Approval - Verification of good physical condition as documented by a medical examination and unconditional approval for diving by a licensed physician within the preceding 12 months.
Materials - Contact the NAUI Training Department for current requirements.
Instructor Training Course (ITC)
NAUI values and respects the knowledge, skills and abilities of its instructors. As such, NAUI Instructors are authorized and can be approved to teach every level of diving in which they possess the training, knowledge and experience. NAUI also allows its instructors to develop their own "instructor specified" specialty courses. If you are someone who seeks even more adventure and specialization, NAUI provides pathways to gaining Public Safety Diver, Technical and Freediving Instructor ratings.
The NAUI Instructor Training Course (ITC) is designed to train and qualify NAUI Instructor member applicants. During the course candidate instructors learn effective methods to teach skin and scuba diving in compliance with NAUI diving course standards.
The course assures the NAUI membership that candidates who receive certification as NAUI Instructors have the knowledge, skills, fitness and proper attitude to do so.
Qualifications of Graduates
Certified NAUI Instructor course graduates are qualified to apply for NAUI Instructor membership in any status provided for in the bylaws of the association.
An active-status NAUI Instructor may independently teach NAUI sanctioned courses and authorize NAUI certification for graduates. An active-status NAUI Instructor may independently conduct NAUI recognition and experience programs and authorize formal recognition for graduates.
An active-status NAUI Instructor who completes a NAUI-DAN First Aid Instructor orientation, who has completed all required NAUI-DAN orientation modules and is using the NAUI-DAN training and support materials, may teach the NAUI-DAN First Aid programs.
Prerequisites For Entering The Course
Minimum age is 18 years by the water phase of the course.
Current certification as a NAUI Assistant Instructor or NAUI Divemaster or other agency leaders who are NAUI FIT Program graduates.
Current certification in NAUI First Aid for Dive Professionals or equivalent.
Current certification in NAUI Oxygen Provider or equivalent.
Certified as a NAUI Nitrox Diver or equivalent.
A minimum of 60 logged open water scuba dives with a minimum of 30 hours bottom time. Dives shall be varied in environment, depth, and activities.
Instructor candidates must pass the NAUI Instructor Prequalification Examination prior to the start of the ITC.
Medical Approval - Verification of good physical condition as documented by a medical examination and unconditional approval for diving by a licensed physician within the preceding 12 months.
Materials - Contact the NAUI Training Department for current requirements.